📜Letter 1 - Invention of a new NFT art form
Dear Apprentices, future Journeymen and Art Patrons...
”Every NFT has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. ”
- Michelangelo Labs
Welcome to the Journey into the New Renaissance
🎨 In late 2021 I was thinking about how I could make something truly unique with NFTs. How to create a new form of art, something that creates true value for holders (Art Patrons), something that stirs the imagination and excites the spirit.
This was my vision - To be able to physically interact with your NFT, move around it and see it from every angle, admire each element that makes it unique, display it for the world to see, be it at home, office or gallery, and I want you to share this vision. I wanted for an NFT to inspire an artisan Sculpture, made by talented artists with hundreds of hours of concentrated effort and skill. This was my vision and from it
Michelangelo Labs, the world’s first high-end, artisan, 3D-Printing, master NFT maker, was born.
My vision became much clearer. I could see a whole host of NFT Sculptures, inspired by diverse collections, all in one place: Bored Ape Yacht Club, CryptoPunks, Kanaria by RMRK, Doodles, CLONE X, CyberKongz, Cool Cats, Cryptoadz, Azuki, World of Women, and many more. Each 3D printed, hand-painted, and crafted to perfection. What really inspired me was the value that Sculptures bring. They add benefit to their respective NFT inspirations, a synergy of ever-lasting value and art. Each Sculpture would help us bridge the digital and physical world, and to help raise NFTs to the status of legitimate art.
Here, my journey started in earnest…
We sculpt the digital into the physical. We sculpt NFTs
For months my team and I have been working in secret, studying NFT shapes, pixel art, old masters, techniques new and old, the morphology of animals - how nature sculpted them. Through intense study we decided upon three simple principles that would guide us:
Cool - Elegant - Luxurious
Then, we started production. For weeks we toiled in our Art Workshop - clouds of sanding dust and paint fumes, tireless sounds of 3D printers day in, day out. The result was three honorary NFT Sculptures, the first of their kind.
My team and I realized that it would require much more than simply creating art to realize our vision. We would have to adjust the public’s perception of what an NFT Sculpture is and could be. We had to demonstrate the conceptual jump from the digital to the physical. Explain that we are creating unique, 1/1, high art Sculptures and not just 3D models or toys, which is what people usually imagine when they hear 3D and 3D printing. Our Sculptures had to be able to compete with already established notions of art, to be displayed in modern galleries and belong there. Which is why we gauged the public’s opinion by organizing an exclusive exhibit at a well-known and respected local art venue.
By simply observing their reactions and talking to visitors, as well as reading what various media outlets had to say, we were sure we had something special.
The most asked question was on how we managed to achieve this? How did we create such art, go from an NFT to a shiny Sculpture before them? First, our 3D artists develop a 3D model faithful to the original, but one also able to utilize the benefits of three dimensions. Then, printing prep, which we are luckily very well-versed with, and up to a hundred or more hours of printing with multiple 3D printers. The printed pieces are filed, sanded, painted, lacquered, each and every piece on an individual basis to make it as perfect as possible before final assembly. As it is all coming together we work on finishing touches, deal with blemishes and finalize the custom-made aluminum stand. Before a Sculpture can finally reach its rightful owner we design and manufacture its flight case and protective packaging, as well as handle the many obstacles of worldwide delivery. The entire process is physically demanding and time-consuming, but it brings us joy and an exhilarating sense of achievement upon seeing each NFT come to life.
3D printing Zeneca’s BAYC
Three Honorary Sculptures for distinguished members of the community
This is the reason why we decided to make the three honorary NFT Sculptures. We chose three Honorary Art Patrons to receive them. Three individuals who we have followed from the very start. These distinguished gentlemen are @Zeneca_33, @eddyiskongz and @CozomoMedici. In a sea of misinformation and scams these three and their teams have a proven track record of integrity, honesty, and hard work. Each an example of what one should strive for in the NFT space.
The three Honorary NFT Sculptures are inspired by NFTs that make the core of their personal and professional brands: Bored Ape Yacht Club owned by Zeneca, CyberKong owned by Eddy, and CrypToadz by GREMPLIN “Big Top Toadenza” owned by Cozomo de Medici.
We invested our own capital and sweat to create and deliver (en route as I’m writing this) these original Michelangelo Labs NFT Sculptures across the world. We expect nothing in return, no strings attached, yet we are grateful for their feedback and ideas these past weeks and months. From the very start we considered these Sculptures their property, but now, as they are on their way, I must say I do miss them quite a bit. Each of them required more than 300 hours of man and machine work, and we all left a touch of us in them.
Our goal is to create powerful objects. Creations that evoke thoughts on the future of art, NFTs, crypto, and society.
The three Honorary NFT Sculptures also serve as a prototype for our First Edition, which will consist of 200 unique Sculptures. Throughout this process we learned so much and improved upon previous knowledge in sculpting, 3D modeling, printing, painting, packaging, etc. in interesting ways. It has deepened our understanding of each part of the process and made us confident that we can deliver on our vision.
Also, follow us on Twitter (@MichelangeloLb)!
- Michelangelo Labs Roadmap 2022 -
Launch of the First Edition’s 200 Sculptures whitelist orders starting March 2022 📜
Exhibitions at major global art and NFT centers; An opportunity to exhibit your Sculpture in galleries in New York during NFT NYC in June 2022, as well as others yet to be announced 📯
Planned delivery of Sculptures Q2-Q3 2022 🧭
Introduction of the 200 Art Patron NFT Collection by Michelangelo Labs. Exclusive for Sculpture holders with on-chain and IRL utility 👑
Launch of the 6000 Journeyman NFT Collection by Michelangelo Labs for the Community with on-chain and IRL utility. 🗡️
Launch of the Second Edition’s whitelist orders Q3 2022🥈
Age of Discovery - Exclusive 200 Spot Whitelist
Why only 200 whitelist spots? Realistically, this is the number of Sculptures we can create by the end of Q2-Q3, considering that each and every Sculpture is an artwork in itself. As I said, it takes around 300 man and machine hours to complete just one Sculpture. Now multiply that 200 times and include all inevitable contingencies for an art project of this scale. How to whitelist? Keep reading dear apprentices, we’ll get there soon.
We would also love to announce our partnership with RMRK!
RMRK.app, creators of the RMRK Protocol for the next generation NFTs have taken up 20 spots on our #FirstEdition200 Whitelist. Do note that RMRK will hold an internal auction for the Whitelist and the production of Kanaria Sculptures. We are talking 0.5m (1.6ft) wingspan, hand-crafted, highly detailed Sculptures. RMRK is well-known as one of the top projects in the NFT space and the team is excited and honored to be able to bring Kanarias to the real world.
The Art Workshop Team has been studying bird forms for inspiration.
🔨The New Art Workshop for The New Renaissance
We are currently scaling up our art production facilities, the Art Workshop. As of February we are expanding to a new 11 000 sq ft space and hiring new 3D modelers, sculptors, painters, artists and engineers - who will raise our Art Workshop staff to about 50 people. When at full capacity we can run up to 50-100 machines, with technologies such as FDM, SLA, Polyjet and CNC.
You could say we are reverse-engineering NFTs.
A good portion of those 200 whitelist spots is reserved for our partners. If you are lucky and have chosen who you follow thus far, you’ll have an opportunity to get your Sculpture via your community. Be sure to check Twitter and this Substack for future news.
That said, a significant part of the exclusive 200 spots will be open to the public and early supporters. In order to make the process as fair and open as possible, we will engage with the community directly to give them a chance to prove their worth and gain a spot.
Your first step is to ensure you subscribe to this Substack (moving it to your Primary email folder will help!) and follow us on Twitter.
Subscribing to the Michelangelo Labs Letters Substack is required for the Whitelist process since we will be using it to send out hints as well as check signed-up e-mails.
Second, keep a keen eye on our Twitter feed as we will be dropping pearls of Renaissance wisdom throughout the coming weeks. These will serve as hints to uncover ways to join the Whitelist. The process will educate our community on art and art history. We will do our best to keep it entertaining, and it will be worth it. Worry not, even those that miss these opportunities will get a chance in other ways to participate, as long as you follow and read out Twitter and Substack carefully.

By engaging with us we will help shape you into a true community of early supporters, the most valued people in the NFT space. You will get a chance to contribute and make Michelangelo Labs the best it can be. Become Apprentices, learn your way to Journeymen and complete your journey as Art Patrons. Help us create a Creative Community of collectors, artists, creatives of all sorts from around the world and verse.
A community excited about past and future art, who will make the step with us into the future of NFTs - The New Renaissance.
🗝️Wen New Renaissance? Our First exclusive edition is coming soon.
What is the First Edition? I mentioned it before and you might have a pretty good idea, but here’s a more in-depth explanation: It’s a collection of 200 Sculptures inspired by blue-chip NFT collections. The 200 Art Patrons who are able to enter the #FirstEdition200 by Michelangelo Labs shall receive value on top of value - 10/10.
A masterful NFT Sculpture: 3D modeled and 3D printed by specialists, hand-finished by artists. 🗿
An opportunity to exhibit your Sculpture in galleries in New York during NFT NYC 2022.
Included worldwide delivery costs for full luxury service.
Art Patron NFT by Michelangelo Labs. Exclusive for Sculpture Holders with on-chain and IRL utility (Also provides a reservation for the Second Edition’s whitelist).
3D model file, turntable video, and GIF of your Sculpture.
Reusable custom-constructed Flight case for lifelong transport purposes.
Art Patron’s Manual. Tailor-made portfolio for each Sculpture.
Exclusive access to Grand gallery openings in New York, dinner arrangements with ML and curator guidance.
Michelangelo Labs Art Workshop tour (virtual or IRL), private Art Patrons Discord channel, and much more.
High-quality IRL and on-chain surprises.🥇
The exclusive initial price for the first 100 orders is $20,000 equivalent in ETH at the time of purchase. E.g. 5 ETH if 1 ETH = $4000.
Here’s a hint: If you don’t make it onto the First Edition’s whitelist, try to get your hands on Michelangelo Labs’s Journeyman NFTs. They may prove to be very valuable with many IRL and on-chain perks, some connected to our Second Edition.
A few important notes:
The order process will not require interacting with your valuable NFTs.
Buying Michelangelo Labs Sculptures should be tax-deductible, consult with your financial advisor.
Art Patrons AKA Sculpture Holders have two options when selling their NFT:
To sell the Sculpture as well, as additional value, or
To keep the Sculpture as memorabilia.
In case of a resale, the new owner of a First Edition Sculpture will be able to request a new owner plate from Michelangelo Labs.
Michelangelo Labs and our Art Workshop - Who is Michelangelo Labs?
Our team is composed of artists, from various fields, 3D modelers, designers, sculptors, craftsmen, marketers, engineers, and community managers, powered by senior advisors with decades of experience in blockchain, design and business.
We aim to create a new kind of beauty in the world. That is the vision of Michelangelo Labs and Jake Stjepanovic, founder.
Join us on this creative evolution of NFTs.
Further Letters from the Art Workshop will include reveals about:
The Whitelist
Order Process
Art Patron NFT
Journeyman NFT
Letter 2 will delve deeper into how we actually sculpted Zeneca’s BAYC.
We are very excited about this new art form we are helping create and are delighted to have you with us on this New Renaissance journey.