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Sign up and follow us for alpha info on how and when to be a part of our first exclusive collection. Our whitelist is in progress, be sure to follow us on Substack, Twitter, and check out Michelangelo Labs web.

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Join us in the Renaissance

Our goal is to evolve the NFT space in general and provide a gateway to mainstream adoption. The added benefit of global visibility for each of our sculptures adds value to the digital and physical connection of the NFT.

Vision of beauty

Our goal is to create powerful objects. Creations that evoke thoughts about the future of art, NFTs, crypto, and society.

NFT and NFT Sculpture owned by Eddyiskongz.

Yours truly,

Michelangelo Labs

Subscribe to Michelangelo Labs Letters

NFT sculptors. The first high-end, artisan, 3D-printing, master NFT makers.


Our goal is to create powerful objects. Creations that evoke thoughts about the future of art, NFTs, crypto, and society.